You think things are getting better economically? SEC suing Goldman Sachs to gain some redemption after TARP? All you Tea Party members want make a change? There's no hope-and I'm a goddamn optimist....for me the glass is ALWAYS full....
Remember when this was a land of opportunity and success? Now, all my college graduates friends have 50K in debt and they make 13.00 USD per hour....how can someone survive on that? Slavery ended in 1863 with the Emancipation Proclamation in America....or did it? Are we all living in a new form of indentured servitude that is controlled by banks and corporations? Can we escape this? Only if we can pick ourselves up and realize what is going on in this world or do you want to stare at your 42 inch HD TV watching Toyota commercials eating Prozac while updating your Facebook page?
If we can all use common sense and not consume things we don't need, change your worthless paper dollar and trade it for gold or something that has physical value. Take an Economics class! We are animals-we are hunters and gathers, not the over-the-top consumers that give all the money back that they earn to their employers to buy goods (Wal-Mart is famous for that). We are to live simply-not like hippie communes where you grow eggplants and have group sex but to live plainly. The things that you own end up owning you. Take control back and do not let those in charge of the money (Wall Street, Federal Reserve, Bank of England, IMF) tell where to spend it as the corporations are marketing their products directly to you so those corporations can take your cash and give it back to the banks. Either way we are screwed. They get richer, we get poorer. Sweet. Soon I'll be living in a trailer down by the river.....
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