70% of Americans drink flourided water. I even took pill forms of it when I was a child. Yeah, I've only gotten one cavity in my life (which is nice) but here are some of the effected related to flouride:
- Weakening of the bones
- Adverse effects on the kidneys
- Chomosomal damage (screwing with your DNA)
- lowering of IQ (National Research council 2006)
As of April 1997, the US FDA required that all fluoride toothpaste sold in the US should carry a poison warning.......
So I drink, shower and brush my teeth with poison? Sweet-I might as well use paint thinner-it would probably get the coffee stains off my teeth....
As Dave Matthews says, "Don't drink the water, there's blood in the water,"-I'm not saying to go to your local Wal-Mart or Target and start buying bottled water for multi-national corporations, but get yourself a filter and a tester so you make sure your water is pure-not like some Tijuana toilet water. Plus considering the state of our public school system, I don't think lowering IQs is the best plan for the current Obama administration. At this rate, will have 250 million robots working at Burger King, Welcome to 2010-Whoo Hoo!!!!
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