"We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth...for my part, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it."- Patrick Henry

" He who controls the past, controls the future; and he who controls the present controls the past."- George Orwell

" The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that man may become robots."- Erich Fromm

" Society is one vast conspiracy for carving one into the kind of statue likes, and then placing it in the most convenient niche it has."- Randolph Bourne

Videos of Truth at the Bottom of The Book of Micah

Watch The Apocalypse Happen LIVE!

What Lies are they Feeding us Today?


Sunday, April 18, 2010

States have rights?!?

Map of the Future

I hope we are familiar with the 10th Amendment : " The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the States respectfully, or to the people." Ah, your US History class from high school is coming back to you....we are talking about State's Rights. This, among other things, was one of the causes of the Civil War as the argument went that what is the right, besides anything in our Constitution that specifically says, allows the US government to interfere with the laws of the individual states? Obviously, the argument was the legality of slavery in individual states which I would never condone, but the issue of States Rights is a very important one.

The father of modern conservatism, Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona was right on in his views: federal income tax is illegal, federal drug laws are illegal, federal abortion laws are illegal, federal euthanasia laws are illegal....the list goes on....however, every four years we elect these two-faced out-for-number-#1 asses and they never accomplish anything but waste my money. Now, I have to pay for healthcare or I will be fined. THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE. How can I pay the fine if I cannot afford the insurance in the first place?!? Maybe we should go anti-EU-instead of interconnectedness of infrastructure, economics and legislative powers, let's de-republic. Republic of California. People's republic of Massachusetts, Great Arkansas, United Carolinian Emirates....No big brother who takes your picture at traffic lights or tracks your cell phone-individual laws the represent your community. That is true liberty and freedom. Having Senators, Congressmen and the electoral college determine the laws of the land it would make Thomas Jefferson vomit with rage.

Here's a good article from our Canadian neighbors to the North about How Obama is going to pull a Lincoln-180:


Screw it-if it all falls apart, I'm heading for Amsterdam! Nah....they'd never let me in....

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