I'm Back!
For my return to the Internet, I had a James Joyce-like stream-of-conscience thing going during the Patriots game, but I accidental deleted it (Damn marijuana). 1500 word of poetic prose lost in the ether: such a shame. Check in next week for Pats vs. Jets coverage A.K.A The End of Mark "Dirty" Sanchez's Pretty Face. Instead, Ill write about....Islam. Great subject for the day after 9/11 huh?
The holy month of Ramadan ended last week (if you are unfamiliar, Ramadan is like Hanukkah, Christmas and Easter rolled into one and lasts for a month-good times!) and it seems like Islam and its followers are getting attacked at all angles. First, there is the good reverend from Florida (why do sooooo many asses come from The Sunshine State?) Terry Jones, who decided to "Celebrate" 9/11 by BURNING copies of the Koran. The reverend, all BP executives and Mel "I hope a pack of n#%%&*s rape you," Gibson should settle this in Thunderdome to see who has the lowest IQ and regard for fellow human beings. The reverend recanted Friday night, after a discussion in New York with Imam Feisal Abdul (The Imam trying to get the Mosque built at ground zero-more on that soon) and prayer decided not to hold his Evangelical Nazi rally. Alas it was too late as two people were killed in Afghanistan in protests against this raving lunatic's threats. Has the reverend even read the Koran? Can he spell Islam? Does he really believe Jesus was white with blue eyes? Good God, he must of missed that part of the Bible about treating others like you want to be treated or the part of the Bill of Rights about religious freedom. This sort of ignorance leads to blind hate that whips people into a ridiculous frenzy in which no positive outcomes are available. Its people like Terry Jones (or McCarthyism in the 50's, Nixon vs. counterculture in the 60's and 70's) that spreads illogical fear that leads to violence either via speech or physical harm. I always come out on the side of free expression, but I do have reservations when the speech is directed to belittle or encourage hatred. That taint right man. The reverend better keep praying or me might find a horse's head in his bed.
As for the controversy about a Mosque and Islamic center that may be built at ground zero, there is a easy solution. First, as anyone who reads this blog or sees my bumper stickers, I believe 9/11 was a inside job had no Islamic involvement in it whatsoever. However, the commonly held belief of Al-Qaeda planning this attack from a freakin cave in Afghanistan propagates to the masses due to the control of the media and the fact that the majority of Americans cannot think for themselves. On 9/11, over 3,000 people died-these people were Christian, Protestant, Jew, Muslim, Hindi, Buddhist even Zoro-freakin-astrian. Why not build a church/synagogue/mosque/temple to represent ALL faiths of the people that lost their lives. That would be a much more moving tribute to them to the non-existant ant memorial that may be finished by the 50th anniversary. As much as I detest Obama (there will be a blog soon that I will tear him to shreds-it may even be a two parter-stay tuned!), I am glad he spoke out for the Mosque and Center but he need to be more inclusive about the people's feelings from 9/11 and think of everyone. All or nothing. Granted the whole church and state thing for Obama and his ignoring of it, but he has done more than Carter did when Neo-Nazis wanted to march through Skokie Illinois (which at the point had the highest Jews per capita in the US) in the late 70's. Anyway, the moral of the blog is lay off Islam. There are some bad individuals within different sects of religions-homosexual-bashing Evangelicals who are homosexual, child-raping catholic priests, anti-zionist rabbis and militant Muslims-but that does not allow us to condemn the whole religion. Considering the Big Three worship the same freakin God maybe they should pass out some friendship bracelets and chill the heck out Fo'shizzle.
Passing note: Go Skins!!! Dallas sucks (sorry Homer).....until tomorrow, I'm Micah and you not.
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