"We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth...for my part, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it."- Patrick Henry

" He who controls the past, controls the future; and he who controls the present controls the past."- George Orwell

" The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that man may become robots."- Erich Fromm

" Society is one vast conspiracy for carving one into the kind of statue likes, and then placing it in the most convenient niche it has."- Randolph Bourne

Videos of Truth at the Bottom of The Book of Micah

Watch The Apocalypse Happen LIVE!

What Lies are they Feeding us Today?


Friday, September 17, 2010

I'm So Poor I Can't Even Pay Attention.

Today in History:
Roddy McDowall was born in 1928 ( Cornelius and Caesar-"Get your stinking paws of me you damn dirty ape!" Fo-shizzle I always wanted to say that). Spiro Agnew died in 1996 ( A sneaky Greek but had the best name in VP history-it sounds like an herb supplement for wart removal). Australia had it's first TV broadcast in 1956-IQ drop 20 points around the country and the natives begin to speak with a ridiculous accent. Also, my favorite Ms. America was elected today in 1984-Vanessa Williams. She, of course, had her title removed due her nakedness in Penthouse but she is still the ONLY Ms. America that actually did anything worth noting after her title (or stripping there of). See- Pornography makes people successful: Sly Stallone, Jessica Hahn, Ron Jeremy and John Wayne Bobbit (he had help though).

I awoke at the early hour of 1pm today to the front page of my local paper blasting "Poverty Hits 1 in 7 in U.S" all over the front. The font hurt my ears. As you can read (I hope) the article says that the Census Bureau estimate that 14.3% of Americans live in poverty, or 43.6 million people. Looking at the US's definition of poverty let do a little 7th grade math:
1 person making under $10,830 per year is considered impoverished = 208.26 a week and at 40 hours = 5.20 per hour. For two people, the level is $14, 570 or 7.00 per hour. For three, $18, 310 at 8.80 per hour. And so it goes. Most statistics for poverty go via state, so I'm gonna use Maine (yesssah,bub) as an example. We have 11.4% of our population living in poverty (about 148,000 Mainiacs) where minimum wage is maxed via state law @ 7.50 an hour. Now, the living wage where I live (SoPo) is 10.34 per hour for one person, 15.46 per hour for two adults or 19.90 per hour for one adult one child. Check this out to figure your living wage in your area plus average wages. Living wage is defined as pretty much what you need to survive: shelter, heat, water, food, communication and transportation. Whatever change is left you can use to either pay off your mounting debt or try to for an uncertain retirement at 90. The gaps between poverty, minimum wage, actual wage and living wage is disgusting. Oooooooh, I get a .50 cent raise from poverty just to reach the bare minimum of breathing and then I need a 38% raise AGAIN to reach the next level of plain existence with no hope for the future-paycheck to paycheck to paycheck till I'm dead. Also, I can also worry about my $10,000 credit card debt, $8,000 for my car and God knows how much for college-I don't open the letters. It's like at first your'e a senior in High School, no worries except to find someone to buy you beer and then BOOM the debt cycle begins. College cost much $ plus all the credit cards you can imagine are open to you. By your 19th birthday you would be locked in a debtor prison if this was Victorian England. Or an indentured servant in Colonial America.


Last time I looked, that was kinda frowned upon. No one physically owns me (well, maybe my dad Big Mike) per say, but Chase Manhattan and local banks have it out for me. The own my ass. Well actually, the collection agencies and their evil, satanic bastard telemarketers own me. Any money I make goes to me perpetuating my breathing and electrical signals in my brain and everything else is poof-gone. I see my parents dealing with the issues of retirement and they were prepared and can collect pensions and Social Security. Me though? No Social Security. No Medicaid. No pension-unless I join the army and go to sunny Afghanistan or Iran. Now there are three certainties in my life-taxes, death and work till death. Good luck Florida-after all the baby boomers die off their kids won't be able to afford the properties and your Old People Trade will be finished! I am enslaved to debt and my reality economically speaking. EVERYONE is in debt-except for those who control the debt. They can fake a meltdown and receive a 400 Billion gift from Barry Obama but I cannot pay the bills like most Americans and I/we get the shaft. Even Dubbah Bush sent me a check! The dollar has been tanking for a decade, the housing market is cracked, US infrastructure is deteriorating, outsourcing is STILL a problem, we have and a 329 BILLION dollar trade deficit-how does this happen? Americans don't have the money to buy the goods....wait, they can use credit to buy the stuff they do not need and we can just keep pumping crap to US consumers! China and Wal-Mart are the Glorious Revolution! We buy into the mantra of the God of Over-Consumption which just fuel for the fire and the debt spirals and spirals. This isn't the circle of life Elton John sings about-it's the circle in Hell that Dante wrote about. Control the debt, control the person. What to do? Buy gold and put it under your bed and burn your dollars. Hey man, I ain't got all the answers. You got 5 bucks I can borrow?

Speaking of forms of slavery, please realize this economic sham that goes on in this country also has imprisoned 2.1 million of its own people under lock and key. 1 in 10 people are under the watchful eye of the Justice Department-either in jail, probation or house arrest. 3.1 million people. That is almost 50 million Americans in poverty and/or jail. If that is not a reflection of American Society and how twisted it is, I do not know what is. Plus, we have between 150-200 million Christians in the US-did they just all and go and forget their fellow man?

Quick fix-arm the homeless, demolish the Fed, institute fines for lending money at interest (it says it in the Bible!)and wealth distribution. Go Pancho Villa.

Remember, I am Micah and you're not.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

" I would never advocate drugs, alcohol or violence but they have always worked for me."- HST

Today in history:
Amy Winehouse was born in 1982 (and the way she is going she'll be done by 30). Patrick Swayze died in 2009. The British Empire adopted the Gregorian Calandar starting on September 14, 1752-they skipped eleven days going from the 2nd to the 14th....Back to the Future, man. But what happened to the lost days?

Namaste, my people. Good evening.

The FDA came to a great decision today stating that they will allow Dextromethorphan to stay on our pharmacy shelves without a prescription. This leaves one of the few fun things left on the market that our government hasn't taken away from us. I would NEVER advocate drugs on this blog, but shit man, DXM is fun......Many are familar with the term "robo-tripping", a practice done for many a decade by crackheads everywhere. Consumption of the sweet, sweet ambrosia-de-Robo in certain amounts leads to vivid hallucinations and a floating sensation-good times for like 6 hours. Check out DXM on Erowid to get the low-down and get all your answers to your questions. Also check out this to get blow-by-blow of of people tripping out after sipping the syrup-they are hilarious....

In the surprise of the week, the US Justice Department said "At this juncture, the United States expects that it may file a civil complaint related to the Deepwater Horizon disaster," . Wow....they are contemplating that they may perhaps begin to think about the possibility that maybe BP did something somewhat shady and could be construed as illegal. It is great that they finally got around to this almost 5 MONTHS into this abomination. The oil is STILL flowing and BP has no comment as each attempt to stop it fails. The are looking to fine BP between 1100-3400 USD per gallon of oil spilled (approximately 226.4 million spilled or so-see widget) equals something like a gazillion dollars. Does the US accept out-of-state 3rd party payroll checks? Is BP going on layaway for the rest of eternity? This the worst natural disaster created by man next to our general destruction of the entire ecosystem, nature and animals of Earth during human history. R-E-S-P-E-C-T-that word don't mean s#%t to us humans-soon we will not be able to go uppta camp.

Reggie Bush has to return his Heisman Trophy? For accepting gifts? OJ KILLED two people and he got to sell his and then try to steal it back at gun point. There is no justice in the world....

And please remember: I'm Micah and your not. Peace.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Mmmmmm....Monday Night Football....sweet.

Today's facts in history:
Dice-k was born today in 1980. 2pac died today in 1996. Margaret Chase Smith was elected as first woman Senator in 1948 (she was a Mainac yesssssah....wicked).

Good evening....I just finished watching the movie "Hunger" by Steve McQueen (no, not Bullitt or the Cincinnati Kid or Papillion-but if it was one person to come back from the dead, Steve McQueen could do it), a first time British first time film maker. It came out in '08 and won a bunch of awards and is probably available at your local friendly movie rental place. Anyway, it is about Bobby Sands (who is one of the pictures displayed on this blog-a true honor in the eyes of all humanity) who many people have no idea who he is or what he did. Luckily, I am here to inform you such men in history...Quick story: I took a History of Northern Ireland class my freshman year of college that was taught by Irishmen-their obvious subjectivity to the subject was happily biased making the Irish heroes and making you feel pure hate for the British everytime you walked out of class....Bobby Sands will make you a bit angry at the British.

Bobby Sands was born on March 9, 1954 in County Antrim in North Ireland. Growing up Catholic in a Protestant-British controlled life lead to him to enlist in the PIRA in 1972 and became an active member quickly. After a conviction for illegal weapons and four year prison sentence, he was involved in a bombing and subsequent shootout with the Ulster police, where two PIRA members were wounded. Police later discovered a revolver in Bobby's car that was connected with the incident and he was arrested and convicted in 1977. He was sentenced to 14 years at HM Maze Prison, AKA Long Kesh, a British-run prison in Northern Ireland where the majority of prisoners were Catholic IRA or related groups from Northern Ireland. He published a Republican newspaper and was elected official commander of IRA prisoners in Long Kesh. While in prison, all IRA member sought political status (special rights as they were not common criminals i.e. no prison uniforms or work free assoication of political prisoners etc) refusing to abide by prison rules by doing protest acts (watch"Hunger" to see some of their protests) leading to a hunger strike that began on March 1 1981. On March 5, Frank McGuire, the British MP for Fernamagh and South Tyrone, North Ireland died suddenly, leaving an opening a seat open at British Parliament. The Catholic majority of the County got almost universally behind Bobby for a run as MP as Anti H-Block / Armagh Political Prisoner. He narrowly won in the election on April 9, becoming the youngest member of Parliament at that time. Bobby died on May 5 after a 66 days of starvation at the age of 27. Margaret Thatcher was condemned as allowing a member of Parliament die in a prison and celebrations of Bobby's life and protests broke out all over the world. Millions upon millions celebrated this man as a true freedom fighter who died for his beliefs like many before him and since then and unfortunately in the future.

Beidh ar am le teacht-beidh Eire aonaithe.

Top Ten Irish History Movies (no particular order):

10. In the Name of the Father-always makes me misty :(
9. Michael Collins-bummer ending.
8. The Devil's Own-great movie but Brad Pitt can't do an Irish accent he needs to between this movie and Mickey in "Snatch"
7. Patriot Games-A bit anti-IRA, only novel I've read by Tom Clancy that isn't all infotechCIA jargon
6. Someone Else's Son-another look at Bobby Sands.
5. Hunger-again-be warned, if you like male front nudity, horrible beatings, excrement and total humiliation and death, drop that Marquis de Sade iBook and rent this movie!
4. The Quiet Man-gotta have "The Duke" Wayne on the list
3. Far and Away-technically, it takes place in America but has Irish people in it...I just put it on here because I like to watch the crap get kicked out of Tom Cruise.
2. Blown Away-Again, technically in America but Tommy Lee (no, not the porno star or sometime drummer) makes for a creepy evil Irishman.
1. Gangs of New York-a Diego Guinea Wop making a movie about the Irish Experience in America...he's lucky it is a good movie or I'd kick his ass.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Prodigal Bastard Returns

I'm Back!

Hello to the few people out there in the Global Village that actually read this spew. All fans are appreciated and donations are welcome. It has been five months since my last post and after a Hunter S. Thompson-esque binge on drugs and alcohol, I can now operate a keyboard correctly. What a five months it has been-I actually got a Facebook page (Im such a hypocrite), the oil is still flowin' in the Gulf, we "withdrew combat participants" from Iraq (what about the other 50,000?!?), Iran now is receiving Uranium from Russia to run their power plant and due to those infamous tapes, we realize that Mel Gibson is totally insane. They are quite funny in a sick masochistic way...listen to them here:

For my return to the Internet, I had a James Joyce-like stream-of-conscience thing going during the Patriots game, but I accidental deleted it (Damn marijuana). 1500 word of poetic prose lost in the ether: such a shame. Check in next week for Pats vs. Jets coverage A.K.A The End of Mark "Dirty" Sanchez's Pretty Face. Instead, Ill write about....Islam. Great subject for the day after 9/11 huh?

The holy month of Ramadan ended last week (if you are unfamiliar, Ramadan is like Hanukkah, Christmas and Easter rolled into one and lasts for a month-good times!) and it seems like Islam and its followers are getting attacked at all angles. First, there is the good reverend from Florida (why do sooooo many asses come from The Sunshine State?) Terry Jones, who decided to "Celebrate" 9/11 by BURNING copies of the Koran. The reverend, all BP executives and Mel "I hope a pack of n#%%&*s rape you," Gibson should settle this in Thunderdome to see who has the lowest IQ and regard for fellow human beings. The reverend recanted Friday night, after a discussion in New York with Imam Feisal Abdul (The Imam trying to get the Mosque built at ground zero-more on that soon) and prayer decided not to hold his Evangelical Nazi rally. Alas it was too late as two people were killed in Afghanistan in protests against this raving lunatic's threats. Has the reverend even read the Koran? Can he spell Islam? Does he really believe Jesus was white with blue eyes? Good God, he must of missed that part of the Bible about treating others like you want to be treated or the part of the Bill of Rights about religious freedom. This sort of ignorance leads to blind hate that whips people into a ridiculous frenzy in which no positive outcomes are available. Its people like Terry Jones (or McCarthyism in the 50's, Nixon vs. counterculture in the 60's and 70's) that spreads illogical fear that leads to violence either via speech or physical harm. I always come out on the side of free expression, but I do have reservations when the speech is directed to belittle or encourage hatred. That taint right man. The reverend better keep praying or me might find a horse's head in his bed.

As for the controversy about a Mosque and Islamic center that may be built at ground zero, there is a easy solution. First, as anyone who reads this blog or sees my bumper stickers, I believe 9/11 was a inside job had no Islamic involvement in it whatsoever. However, the commonly held belief of Al-Qaeda planning this attack from a freakin cave in Afghanistan propagates to the masses due to the control of the media and the fact that the majority of Americans cannot think for themselves. On 9/11, over 3,000 people died-these people were Christian, Protestant, Jew, Muslim, Hindi, Buddhist even Zoro-freakin-astrian. Why not build a church/synagogue/mosque/temple to represent ALL faiths of the people that lost their lives. That would be a much more moving tribute to them to the non-existant ant memorial that may be finished by the 50th anniversary. As much as I detest Obama (there will be a blog soon that I will tear him to shreds-it may even be a two parter-stay tuned!), I am glad he spoke out for the Mosque and Center but he need to be more inclusive about the people's feelings from 9/11 and think of everyone. All or nothing. Granted the whole church and state thing for Obama and his ignoring of it, but he has done more than Carter did when Neo-Nazis wanted to march through Skokie Illinois (which at the point had the highest Jews per capita in the US) in the late 70's. Anyway, the moral of the blog is lay off Islam. There are some bad individuals within different sects of religions-homosexual-bashing Evangelicals who are homosexual, child-raping catholic priests, anti-zionist rabbis and militant Muslims-but that does not allow us to condemn the whole religion. Considering the Big Three worship the same freakin God maybe they should pass out some friendship bracelets and chill the heck out Fo'shizzle.

Passing note: Go Skins!!! Dallas sucks (sorry Homer).....until tomorrow, I'm Micah and you not.