So this is what they spend our money on....
Many of you have probably heard of the Philadelphia Experiment-on October 28, 1943 the US Navy attempted to make "invisible" the USS Eldridge at the Philadelphia Naval yard and it ACTUALLY worked according to observers. The experiment was allegedly based on an aspect of the unified field theory, a term coined by Albert Einstein. The Unified Field Theory aims to describe mathematically and physically the interrelated nature of the forces that comprise electromagnetic radiation and gravity, although to date, no single theory has successfully expressed these relationships in viable mathematical or physical terms.According to the accounts, it was believed that some version of this Unified Field Theory would enable the Navy to use large electrical generators to bend light around an object so that it became essentially invisible. The Navy would have regarded this as being of obvious military value, and according to the accounts, subsequently it sponsored the experiment. In most accounts of the experiment, the destroyer escort USS Eldridge, was fitted with the required equipment at the Philadelphia Naval Yard. Testing began in the summer of 1943, and it was supposedly successful to a limited degree. One test, on July 22, 1943, resulted in the Eldridge being rendered almost completely invisible, with some witnesses reporting a "greenish fog" appearing in its place. However, crew members supposedly complained of severe nausea afterwards. Also, it is said that when the ship reappeared, some sailors were embedded in the metal structures of the ship, including one sailor who ended up on a deck level below that where he began, and had his hand embedded in the steel hull of the ship. At that point, it is said that the experiment was altered at the request of the Navy, with the new objective being solely to render the Eldridge invisible to radar. The conjecture then alleges that the equipment was not properly re-calibrated, but in spite of this, the experiment was repeated on October 28, 1943. This time, the Eldridge not only became invisible, but she physically vanished from the area in a flash of blue light and teleported to Norfolk, Virginia, over 200 miles away. It is claimed that the Eldridge sat for some time in full view of men aboard the ship USS Furuseth, whereupon the Eldridge vanished from their sight, and then reappeared in Philadelphia at the site it had originally occupied. It was also said that the warship travelled back in time for about 10 seconds.Many versions of the tale include descriptions of serious side effects for the crew. Some crew members were said to have been physically fused to bulkheads, while others suffered from mental disorders, and still others supposedly simply vanished. It is also claimed that the ship's crew may have been subjected to brainwashing, in order to maintain the secrecy of the experiment.
The outgrowth of this program was the Montauk Project. Private concerns that helped to develop the project did not follow the dictate of Congress and sought out to seduce the military with the idea that the Philadelphia Experiment technology could be used in warfare to control enemy minds. A secret group with deep financial resources and some sort of military tie decided they would establish a new research facility at Camp Hero, a derelict Air Force Station at Montauk Point. New York. This locale was chosen because it housed a huge Sage radar antenna that emitted a frequency of approximately 400-425 Megahertz coincidentally the same band used to enter the consciousness of the human mind. By the late '60s, the reactivation of Camp Hero began despite no funding from the military. By 1972, the Montauk Project was fully underway with massive mind control experimentation being undertaken upon humans, animal and other forms of consciousness that were deemed to exist.
None of this information would have come to light except for Preston B. Nichols, an electronic genius who one day discovered that he was an unwitting victim of the experiments. Working for a Long Island defense contractor, Preston war researching telepathy in psychics and found that persistent radio waves were being transmitted which were blocking the people he was working with. As a radio and electronics expert, Preston traced the radio signals directly to the Montauk Air Force Station and began exhaustive research that lasted over a decade. He acquired much of the equipment that was used during the Montauk Project and discovered to his dismay that many people from Montauk remembered him working there. It came to a culmination point when his cousin's husband insisted that he had been at Montauk. The two men almost came to blows over Preston's contention that he had never been at Montauk. Shortly after this argument, Preston began to get glimmers of a life he'd not previously been aware of. After talking to many different scientists and engineers who had some sort of association with the Montauk Project, Preston was able to put together what had happened. Somehow, he had survived on two separate time lines. On one, he worked at Montauk; on the other, he worked at a different location.Preston's discoveries were confirmed when a strange man by the name of Duncan Cameron appeared at his door in 1985. Duncan had an uncanny aptitude for psychic research and eventually claimed to have been trained in this field by the NSA.Without mentioning his own ordeal with Montauk, Preston took Duncan out to Montauk and was surprised to discover that he knew the entire layout of the base and remembered working there. Duncan was considered to be the primary psychic used in the time travel experiments and also remembered having been aboard the U.S.S. Eldridge during the original Philadelphia Experiment with his brother Edward (now recognized as Al Bielek).According to the accounts of both Preston and Duncan, the Montauk Project culminated on August 12, 1983. A full blown time portal was fully functioning, but things were out of control and Duncan called together a group of people and decided to crash the project. While sitting in the Montauk Chair (a device connected to esoteric radio receivers studded with crystals that sent thoughts out of a giant transmitter), Duncan unleashed a giant beast from his subconscious which literally destroyed the project. The people who had been working on the base suddenly abandoned it. The air shafts and entrances to the major underground facility beneath the base were subsequently filled with cement.
The full circumstances behind all of this remain a mystery to this day. As the Montauk Project was published further research and events continued that would indeed establish that there was a real scenario behind the wild information Preston was talking about. These were chronicled in Montauk Revisited. but the most spectacular of all these corroborations was the discovery that the Montauk Project was inextricably linked to the most infamous occultist of all time: Aleister Crowley, often described as "the wickedest man in the world". According to reports, Crowley himself had used the practice of sexual magick in order to manipulate time itself, communicate with disembodied entities and to travel interdimensionally. It was even suggested that the interdimensional nature of the Philadelphia Experiment could have been the outward expression of Crowley's magical operations.The startling proof of Crowley's association developed over a long period of time, but the discovery began to take: Preston spoke about the connection to the magician Aleister Crowley. In an earlier life, he believed that both himself and Duncan had been Preston and Marcus Wilson, respectively. These brothers were twins and had been the first manufacturers of scientific instruments in Great Britain. In addition to being friends of Aleister Crowley's family, they had also been involved in a joint business enterprise with them.All of the above sounded like one more wild story, so reasearch took place for any references to the Wilsons in Aleister Crowley's various books. None turned up. However, it was discovered that not only had Crowley visited Montauk (in 1918) but he had mentioned a "Duncan Cameron" in his autobiography. Subsequent to this, numerous instances of synchronicity between the Cameron and Crowley families were discovered. This was explained by a woman who called herself "Cameron". She is perhaps most famous for having been married to Jack Parsons, the world's first solid fuel rocket scientist and a disciple of Crowley. Together, they had participated in an interdimensional activity known as the Babylon Working (a ceremonial act which included sex magick and has been hailed by some as the greatest magical act of the century).However, he real name was was Wilson! now became obvious that Preston 's story about being a Wilson could not be discounted nor could his general credibility be denied. Perhaps more importantly, T has been revealed that some very strange correspondences were at work that had to do with interdimensionality. A journalist working on the Montauk Project received an astonishing letter several months later that would close the case as regards whether or not the Wilson brothers had existed. It was from a man named Amado Crowley who claimed to be an illegitimate son of Aleister Crowley. Not only did he remember his father talking about the Wilson brothers. but he also provided clues which revealed that the odds of his lying about his parentage were nil. Amado not only verified the existence of the Wilson brothers, he gave a spectacular account of his father's whereabouts on August 12, 1943 (the day of the Philadelphia Experiment). Aleister had directed a magical ceremony at Men-an-Tol in Cornwall, England where a large donut style rock lays upright in the water. According to Amado, Aleister put him through the hole in the rock whereupon a line of rough water ran from the coast of England to Long Island, New York.
Wow. Sounds like something out of a Isaac Asimov or Arthur C. Clarke novel. Interdementionality. Time Travel. Monsters from different dimensions. Psychic powers. Aliester Crowley. Obviously, the last example did exist (Crowley was a crazy man-I'll donate a blog to his history) but can the other four examples really exist? Does our government have the ability to do these feats like this? If so, can you imagine the budget these types of projects have? I know the Pentagon pays 600 dollars for a toilet seat, so project like this eat an amazing amount of money. Money that can be used to end poverty, the idiocy of our public education system, give free healthcare (not health insurance) to all Americans and bring peace instead of spending on defense. Mainstream media has scared the sheep into allowing TRILLIONS of dollars to go to US Defense while the real enemy is coming within our own country, planning for our future police state. Iran, Pakistan vs. India, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia vs. Chechnya and Georgia, Israel vs. the Middle East, Radical Islam vs. The West-these things are not where or who or what we should fear. It is those in charge now who want to keep the sheep in line. Looking around, they are doing a pretty good job. ....Live Free or Die!
The outgrowth of this program was the Montauk Project. Private concerns that helped to develop the project did not follow the dictate of Congress and sought out to seduce the military with the idea that the Philadelphia Experiment technology could be used in warfare to control enemy minds. A secret group with deep financial resources and some sort of military tie decided they would establish a new research facility at Camp Hero, a derelict Air Force Station at Montauk Point. New York. This locale was chosen because it housed a huge Sage radar antenna that emitted a frequency of approximately 400-425 Megahertz coincidentally the same band used to enter the consciousness of the human mind. By the late '60s, the reactivation of Camp Hero began despite no funding from the military. By 1972, the Montauk Project was fully underway with massive mind control experimentation being undertaken upon humans, animal and other forms of consciousness that were deemed to exist.
None of this information would have come to light except for Preston B. Nichols, an electronic genius who one day discovered that he was an unwitting victim of the experiments. Working for a Long Island defense contractor, Preston war researching telepathy in psychics and found that persistent radio waves were being transmitted which were blocking the people he was working with. As a radio and electronics expert, Preston traced the radio signals directly to the Montauk Air Force Station and began exhaustive research that lasted over a decade. He acquired much of the equipment that was used during the Montauk Project and discovered to his dismay that many people from Montauk remembered him working there. It came to a culmination point when his cousin's husband insisted that he had been at Montauk. The two men almost came to blows over Preston's contention that he had never been at Montauk. Shortly after this argument, Preston began to get glimmers of a life he'd not previously been aware of. After talking to many different scientists and engineers who had some sort of association with the Montauk Project, Preston was able to put together what had happened. Somehow, he had survived on two separate time lines. On one, he worked at Montauk; on the other, he worked at a different location.Preston's discoveries were confirmed when a strange man by the name of Duncan Cameron appeared at his door in 1985. Duncan had an uncanny aptitude for psychic research and eventually claimed to have been trained in this field by the NSA.Without mentioning his own ordeal with Montauk, Preston took Duncan out to Montauk and was surprised to discover that he knew the entire layout of the base and remembered working there. Duncan was considered to be the primary psychic used in the time travel experiments and also remembered having been aboard the U.S.S. Eldridge during the original Philadelphia Experiment with his brother Edward (now recognized as Al Bielek).According to the accounts of both Preston and Duncan, the Montauk Project culminated on August 12, 1983. A full blown time portal was fully functioning, but things were out of control and Duncan called together a group of people and decided to crash the project. While sitting in the Montauk Chair (a device connected to esoteric radio receivers studded with crystals that sent thoughts out of a giant transmitter), Duncan unleashed a giant beast from his subconscious which literally destroyed the project. The people who had been working on the base suddenly abandoned it. The air shafts and entrances to the major underground facility beneath the base were subsequently filled with cement.
The full circumstances behind all of this remain a mystery to this day. As the Montauk Project was published further research and events continued that would indeed establish that there was a real scenario behind the wild information Preston was talking about. These were chronicled in Montauk Revisited. but the most spectacular of all these corroborations was the discovery that the Montauk Project was inextricably linked to the most infamous occultist of all time: Aleister Crowley, often described as "the wickedest man in the world". According to reports, Crowley himself had used the practice of sexual magick in order to manipulate time itself, communicate with disembodied entities and to travel interdimensionally. It was even suggested that the interdimensional nature of the Philadelphia Experiment could have been the outward expression of Crowley's magical operations.The startling proof of Crowley's association developed over a long period of time, but the discovery began to take: Preston spoke about the connection to the magician Aleister Crowley. In an earlier life, he believed that both himself and Duncan had been Preston and Marcus Wilson, respectively. These brothers were twins and had been the first manufacturers of scientific instruments in Great Britain. In addition to being friends of Aleister Crowley's family, they had also been involved in a joint business enterprise with them.All of the above sounded like one more wild story, so reasearch took place for any references to the Wilsons in Aleister Crowley's various books. None turned up. However, it was discovered that not only had Crowley visited Montauk (in 1918) but he had mentioned a "Duncan Cameron" in his autobiography. Subsequent to this, numerous instances of synchronicity between the Cameron and Crowley families were discovered. This was explained by a woman who called herself "Cameron". She is perhaps most famous for having been married to Jack Parsons, the world's first solid fuel rocket scientist and a disciple of Crowley. Together, they had participated in an interdimensional activity known as the Babylon Working (a ceremonial act which included sex magick and has been hailed by some as the greatest magical act of the century).However, he real name was was Wilson! now became obvious that Preston 's story about being a Wilson could not be discounted nor could his general credibility be denied. Perhaps more importantly, T has been revealed that some very strange correspondences were at work that had to do with interdimensionality. A journalist working on the Montauk Project received an astonishing letter several months later that would close the case as regards whether or not the Wilson brothers had existed. It was from a man named Amado Crowley who claimed to be an illegitimate son of Aleister Crowley. Not only did he remember his father talking about the Wilson brothers. but he also provided clues which revealed that the odds of his lying about his parentage were nil. Amado not only verified the existence of the Wilson brothers, he gave a spectacular account of his father's whereabouts on August 12, 1943 (the day of the Philadelphia Experiment). Aleister had directed a magical ceremony at Men-an-Tol in Cornwall, England where a large donut style rock lays upright in the water. According to Amado, Aleister put him through the hole in the rock whereupon a line of rough water ran from the coast of England to Long Island, New York.
Wow. Sounds like something out of a Isaac Asimov or Arthur C. Clarke novel. Interdementionality. Time Travel. Monsters from different dimensions. Psychic powers. Aliester Crowley. Obviously, the last example did exist (Crowley was a crazy man-I'll donate a blog to his history) but can the other four examples really exist? Does our government have the ability to do these feats like this? If so, can you imagine the budget these types of projects have? I know the Pentagon pays 600 dollars for a toilet seat, so project like this eat an amazing amount of money. Money that can be used to end poverty, the idiocy of our public education system, give free healthcare (not health insurance) to all Americans and bring peace instead of spending on defense. Mainstream media has scared the sheep into allowing TRILLIONS of dollars to go to US Defense while the real enemy is coming within our own country, planning for our future police state. Iran, Pakistan vs. India, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia vs. Chechnya and Georgia, Israel vs. the Middle East, Radical Islam vs. The West-these things are not where or who or what we should fear. It is those in charge now who want to keep the sheep in line. Looking around, they are doing a pretty good job. ....Live Free or Die!
“Secrecy is the freedom tyrants dream of.” - Bill Moyers
“Secrecy, once accepted, becomes an addiction.” - Edward Teller
“Secrecy, once accepted, becomes an addiction.” - Edward Teller
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