I'm getting Social security and Medicare and your not-HA HA HA!
Yes, Woodstock destroyed America. 3 days of peace and love was the high point of the 1960's for the hippies. These babyboomers, all post-WW II kids who grew up in the most profitable time in US history. However, WWII changed the way capitalism works-to get the US out of the depression, FDR needed Pearl Harbor to get the war machine going to save the economy. The children grew up hearing the horror stories about the battles in Europe and the Pacific from their fathers so when the French were kicked out of Vietnam and the threat of Communism was looming, these children of war completely turned around. Peace, love, end the war-hey LBJ how many kids did you kill today?-experimentation, anti-capitalistic and free thinkers. Now of course, the majority of the population weren't "hippies" per say, but there is no denying that the events of the 60's impacted each one of their lives-a sort of collective conscience. After Woodstock in August of 1969 the Summer of love was at its peak, December rolled around and then have murder at a free Rolling Stones concert in Altamont, California. This the end of peace and love. They came back to the "normal" group and became sheep again. Now this generation has been in charge since 1961 when Kennedy said, "...that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world." Kennedy's words summed up the hope of the whole bayboomer generation. They were to change the World.
Then why did they become so evil?
Think of everything since 1970-oil crisis, Iran-Contra, overthrow of the Shah of Iran, rise of Saddam Hussein, Pinochet in Chile, Idi Amin in Uganda, Pol Pot in Cambodia among SOOO many other things.....check out the History channel or your local library for more information.....all done by the babyboomer generation. Since they are all retiring now, I'll have no Social Security, no Medicaid and I'll probably either be detained during martial law or worse due to the laws passed by those who contributed the funds to elect our "democratically" elected officials. Money talks and...then something walks. The babyboomers pass the laws, run the banks and corporations and keep us slaves to debt. Thanks guys. When you pass, remind me to pee on your grave.
I came across this op-ed/truth on infowars.com from a guy named Gregory Fegel who piece basically gives the background of the US from about 1963 or so today and how the babyboomer generation ruined everything first and is now their children are mindless fackbooking cyberbulling Ipod sucking reality TV watching overweight poorly educated school shooters. Fascism is a very strong word to use considering what it represents back from WWII but the basic definition is a ultra-nationalistic country with heavy tie to industry and the economy. Sounds like the front page of the local paper plus the business section-I'm going to stick to the sport section from now on. Please check this op-ed/truth piece as it covers a lot that you may or may not know but it is important information regardless.
"The history of our race and each individual's experience, are sown thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and a lie told well is immortal."- Mark Twain
Then why did they become so evil?
Think of everything since 1970-oil crisis, Iran-Contra, overthrow of the Shah of Iran, rise of Saddam Hussein, Pinochet in Chile, Idi Amin in Uganda, Pol Pot in Cambodia among SOOO many other things.....check out the History channel or your local library for more information.....all done by the babyboomer generation. Since they are all retiring now, I'll have no Social Security, no Medicaid and I'll probably either be detained during martial law or worse due to the laws passed by those who contributed the funds to elect our "democratically" elected officials. Money talks and...then something walks. The babyboomers pass the laws, run the banks and corporations and keep us slaves to debt. Thanks guys. When you pass, remind me to pee on your grave.
I came across this op-ed/truth on infowars.com from a guy named Gregory Fegel who piece basically gives the background of the US from about 1963 or so today and how the babyboomer generation ruined everything first and is now their children are mindless fackbooking cyberbulling Ipod sucking reality TV watching overweight poorly educated school shooters. Fascism is a very strong word to use considering what it represents back from WWII but the basic definition is a ultra-nationalistic country with heavy tie to industry and the economy. Sounds like the front page of the local paper plus the business section-I'm going to stick to the sport section from now on. Please check this op-ed/truth piece as it covers a lot that you may or may not know but it is important information regardless.
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth."- Lenin
"The history of our race and each individual's experience, are sown thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and a lie told well is immortal."- Mark Twain
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