"We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth...for my part, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it."- Patrick Henry

" He who controls the past, controls the future; and he who controls the present controls the past."- George Orwell

" The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that man may become robots."- Erich Fromm

" Society is one vast conspiracy for carving one into the kind of statue likes, and then placing it in the most convenient niche it has."- Randolph Bourne

Videos of Truth at the Bottom of The Book of Micah

Watch The Apocalypse Happen LIVE!

What Lies are they Feeding us Today?


Friday, April 23, 2010

I'd Like to take a Book to the Face of Facebook Part 2

“Privacy is not something that I'm merely entitled to, it's an absolute prerequisite.” - Marlon Brando (of all people!!!)

The first part of this blog, I spoke about the general ills of the facebook site itself. Now, we can talk about the men (mark zuckerberg, peter thiel and james breyer) who again, names I will not capitalize due to their wickedness) who designed and and carry out this example of our loss of privacy in the US.

mark zuckerberg is the founding father of facebook. zuckerberg co-founded facebook in 2004 with fellow computer science classmates Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, and Chris Hughes while attending Harvard. He is currently one of the youngest billionaires in the world with personal wealth of US$4 billion in 2010. The website's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. facebook launched a high school version in September 2005, which zuckerberg called the next logical step. At that time, high school networks required an invitation to join. facebook later expanded membership eligibility to employees of several companies, including Apple Inc. and Microsoft. facebook was then opened on September 26, 2006, to everyone of ages 13 and older with a valid e-mail address. In October 2008, facebook announced that it was to set up its international headquarters in Dublin, Ireland. facebook has been highly used in the years 2009-2010. It has crossed the visits of Google in some continents. And recently, Facebook.com was the top social network across eight of individual markets in the region, Philippines, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Vietnam, while other brands commanded the top positions in certain markets, including Google-owned Orkut in India, Mixi.jp in Japan, CyWorld in South Korea and Yahoo!’s Wretch.cc in Taiwan.
However, there is a dark side to the success story that's been spreading across the Internet. A complex but riveting Big Brother-type conspiracy theory which links facebook to the CIA and the US Department of Defense.The CIA is using a facebook group to recruit staff for its very sexy sounding National Clandestine Service. Checking out the job ads on facebook does require a facebook login, so if you haven't joined the site - or are worried that CIA spooks will start following you home from work, DON'T APPLY. facebook's first round of venture capital funding ($US500,000) came from former Paypal CEO peter thiel. Author of anti-multicultural tome 'The Diversity Myth', he is also on the board of radical conservative group VanguardPAC.The second round of funding into facebook ($US12.7 million) came from venture capital firm Accel Partners. Its manager james breyer was formerly chairman of the National Venture Capital Association, and served on the board with Gilman Louie, CEO of In-Q-Tel, a venture capital firm established by the Central Intelligence Agency in 1999. One of the company's key areas of expertise are in "data mining technologies". breyer also served on the board of R&D firm BBN Technologies, which was one of those companies responsible for the rise of the Internet. Dr Anita Jones joined the firm, which included Gilman Louie. She had also served on the In-Q-Tel's board, and had been director of Defence Research and Engineering for the US Department of Defense.She was also an adviser to the Secretary of Defence and overseeing the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which is responsible for high-tech, high-end development. It was when a journalist lifted the lid on the DARPA's Information Awareness Office that the public began to show concern at its information mining projects.Wikipedia's IAO (Information Awareness Office) page says: "the IAO has the stated mission to gather as much information as possible about everyone, in a centralised location, for easy perusal by the United States government, including (though not limited to) Internet activity, credit card purchase histories, airline ticket purchases, car rentals, medical records, educational transcripts, driver's licenses, utility bills, tax returns, and any other available data.".Not surprisingly, the backlash from civil libertarians led to a Congressional investigation into DARPA's activity, the Information Awareness Office lost its funding. Now the Internet conspiracy theorists are citing facebook as the IAO's new mask. Parts of the IAO's technology round-up included 'human network analysis and behaviour model building engines', which Facebook's massive volume of neatly-targeted data gathering allows for.facebook's own Terms of use state: "by posting Member Content to any part of the Web site, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to facebook an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license to use, copy, perform, display, reformat, translate, excerpt and distribute such information and content and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such information and content, and to grant and authorise sub-licenses of the foregoing.Plus, in its equally interesting privacy policy: "facebook may also collect information about you from other sources, such as newspapers, blogs, instant messaging services, and other users of the facebook service through the operation of the service (eg. photo tags) in order to provide you with more useful information and a more personalised experience. By using facebook, you are consenting to have your personal data transferred to and processed in the United States." Is the CIA really providing the impetus and the funding behind the monster growth of this year's biggest dot com success story? Maybe only the men with the nice suits and ear pieces can answer that. zuckerberg commented in San Francisco in January 2010 at the Crunchie Awards that " “People have really gotten comfortable not only sharing more information and different kinds, but more openly and with more people.” He went on to say that privacy was no longer a ‘social norm’ and had just evolved over time.“When I got started in my dorm room at Harvard, the question a lot of people asked was, ‘why would I want to put any information on the internet at all? Why would I want to have a website?’.”- I do it because of the Freedom Of Speech-so I can I pee all over facebook's fire.

Check this article from the Guardian saying zuckerberg had to pay out 65 million so it would not come out that he stole facebook:

Privacy is a human guarantee and in the US it is protected under the 4th Amendment. However, between the NSA, CIA, facebook, Onstar, cell phones, GPS, group-infiltration, the Patriot Act, traffic and domestic spying cameras and the terrorist watch list-our government can watch you ANYWHERE ANYPLACE ANYTIME. As soon as this blog is published, the 4 square miles of computer under Fort Bragg in North Carolina picks it up and reads it, see what I write and then I go onto a mysterious list that will someday most likely put me into a FEMA camp for "re-education". Why aren't American bothered by their loss of privacy? Fear is not a reason to give up civil liberties-if you sacrifice liberty for protection, you didn't deserve the freedoms in the first place. Do not live in fear-just because CNN only shows the most horrible stories on the planet does not mean that you should give up your own control to a corrupt government to protect you from "terrorism"-the only terrorism that takes place in this country is toward its own citizens. If Thomas Jefferson was still alive he would beat the hell out of both dubya Bush and Obama in a bare-knuckle boxing match....and have enough energy to have a threesome with Condoleezza Rice and Michelle Obama (he takes his women like he does his coffee-black). Freedom is a God given right-if your agnostic or an atheist, then it is a human right to have freedoms. However, humans have a dark part of us that wants to oppress other for our own benefit. We need to give up this selfishness and realize we are all in this together. Live together, die alone.

"So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.” - Baha'u'llah quotes

“I know that my unity with all people cannot be destroyed by national boundaries and government orders.” - Leo Tolstoy

“I didn't know I was a slave until I found out I couldn't do the things I wanted” - Frederick Douglass

Here is Alex Jones's newest documentary Police State 4: Rise of FEMA-take a look:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Philadelphia to Montauk? It's Only 200 Miles as the Seagull Flies

So this is what they spend our money on....

Many of you have probably heard of the Philadelphia Experiment-on October 28, 1943 the US Navy attempted to make "invisible" the USS Eldridge at the Philadelphia Naval yard and it ACTUALLY worked according to observers. The experiment was allegedly based on an aspect of the unified field theory, a term coined by Albert Einstein. The Unified Field Theory aims to describe mathematically and physically the interrelated nature of the forces that comprise electromagnetic radiation and gravity, although to date, no single theory has successfully expressed these relationships in viable mathematical or physical terms.According to the accounts, it was believed that some version of this Unified Field Theory would enable the Navy to use large electrical generators to bend light around an object so that it became essentially invisible. The Navy would have regarded this as being of obvious military value, and according to the accounts, subsequently it sponsored the experiment. In most accounts of the experiment, the destroyer escort USS Eldridge, was fitted with the required equipment at the Philadelphia Naval Yard. Testing began in the summer of 1943, and it was supposedly successful to a limited degree. One test, on July 22, 1943, resulted in the Eldridge being rendered almost completely invisible, with some witnesses reporting a "greenish fog" appearing in its place. However, crew members supposedly complained of severe nausea afterwards. Also, it is said that when the ship reappeared, some sailors were embedded in the metal structures of the ship, including one sailor who ended up on a deck level below that where he began, and had his hand embedded in the steel hull of the ship. At that point, it is said that the experiment was altered at the request of the Navy, with the new objective being solely to render the Eldridge invisible to radar. The conjecture then alleges that the equipment was not properly re-calibrated, but in spite of this, the experiment was repeated on October 28, 1943. This time, the Eldridge not only became invisible, but she physically vanished from the area in a flash of blue light and teleported to Norfolk, Virginia, over 200 miles away. It is claimed that the Eldridge sat for some time in full view of men aboard the ship USS Furuseth, whereupon the Eldridge vanished from their sight, and then reappeared in Philadelphia at the site it had originally occupied. It was also said that the warship travelled back in time for about 10 seconds.Many versions of the tale include descriptions of serious side effects for the crew. Some crew members were said to have been physically fused to bulkheads, while others suffered from mental disorders, and still others supposedly simply vanished. It is also claimed that the ship's crew may have been subjected to brainwashing, in order to maintain the secrecy of the experiment.

The outgrowth of this program was the Montauk Project. Private concerns that helped to develop the project did not follow the dictate of Congress and sought out to seduce the military with the idea that the Philadelphia Experiment technology could be used in warfare to control enemy minds. A secret group with deep financial resources and some sort of military tie decided they would establish a new research facility at Camp Hero, a derelict Air Force Station at Montauk Point. New York. This locale was chosen because it housed a huge Sage radar antenna that emitted a frequency of approximately 400-425 Megahertz coincidentally the same band used to enter the consciousness of the human mind. By the late '60s, the reactivation of Camp Hero began despite no funding from the military. By 1972, the Montauk Project was fully underway with massive mind control experimentation being undertaken upon humans, animal and other forms of consciousness that were deemed to exist.

None of this information would have come to light except for Preston B. Nichols, an electronic genius who one day discovered that he was an unwitting victim of the experiments. Working for a Long Island defense contractor, Preston war researching telepathy in psychics and found that persistent radio waves were being transmitted which were blocking the people he was working with. As a radio and electronics expert, Preston traced the radio signals directly to the Montauk Air Force Station and began exhaustive research that lasted over a decade. He acquired much of the equipment that was used during the Montauk Project and discovered to his dismay that many people from Montauk remembered him working there. It came to a culmination point when his cousin's husband insisted that he had been at Montauk. The two men almost came to blows over Preston's contention that he had never been at Montauk. Shortly after this argument, Preston began to get glimmers of a life he'd not previously been aware of. After talking to many different scientists and engineers who had some sort of association with the Montauk Project, Preston was able to put together what had happened. Somehow, he had survived on two separate time lines. On one, he worked at Montauk; on the other, he worked at a different location.Preston's discoveries were confirmed when a strange man by the name of Duncan Cameron appeared at his door in 1985. Duncan had an uncanny aptitude for psychic research and eventually claimed to have been trained in this field by the NSA.Without mentioning his own ordeal with Montauk, Preston took Duncan out to Montauk and was surprised to discover that he knew the entire layout of the base and remembered working there. Duncan was considered to be the primary psychic used in the time travel experiments and also remembered having been aboard the U.S.S. Eldridge during the original Philadelphia Experiment with his brother Edward (now recognized as Al Bielek).According to the accounts of both Preston and Duncan, the Montauk Project culminated on August 12, 1983. A full blown time portal was fully functioning, but things were out of control and Duncan called together a group of people and decided to crash the project. While sitting in the Montauk Chair (a device connected to esoteric radio receivers studded with crystals that sent thoughts out of a giant transmitter), Duncan unleashed a giant beast from his subconscious which literally destroyed the project. The people who had been working on the base suddenly abandoned it. The air shafts and entrances to the major underground facility beneath the base were subsequently filled with cement.

The full circumstances behind all of this remain a mystery to this day. As the Montauk Project was published further research and events continued that would indeed establish that there was a real scenario behind the wild information Preston was talking about. These were chronicled in Montauk Revisited. but the most spectacular of all these corroborations was the discovery that the Montauk Project was inextricably linked to the most infamous occultist of all time: Aleister Crowley, often described as "the wickedest man in the world". According to reports, Crowley himself had used the practice of sexual magick in order to manipulate time itself, communicate with disembodied entities and to travel interdimensionally. It was even suggested that the interdimensional nature of the Philadelphia Experiment could have been the outward expression of Crowley's magical operations.The startling proof of Crowley's association developed over a long period of time, but the discovery began to take: Preston spoke about the connection to the magician Aleister Crowley. In an earlier life, he believed that both himself and Duncan had been Preston and Marcus Wilson, respectively. These brothers were twins and had been the first manufacturers of scientific instruments in Great Britain. In addition to being friends of Aleister Crowley's family, they had also been involved in a joint business enterprise with them.All of the above sounded like one more wild story, so reasearch took place for any references to the Wilsons in Aleister Crowley's various books. None turned up. However, it was discovered that not only had Crowley visited Montauk (in 1918) but he had mentioned a "Duncan Cameron" in his autobiography. Subsequent to this, numerous instances of synchronicity between the Cameron and Crowley families were discovered. This was explained by a woman who called herself "Cameron". She is perhaps most famous for having been married to Jack Parsons, the world's first solid fuel rocket scientist and a disciple of Crowley. Together, they had participated in an interdimensional activity known as the Babylon Working (a ceremonial act which included sex magick and has been hailed by some as the greatest magical act of the century).However, he real name was was Wilson! now became obvious that Preston 's story about being a Wilson could not be discounted nor could his general credibility be denied. Perhaps more importantly, T has been revealed that some very strange correspondences were at work that had to do with interdimensionality. A journalist working on the Montauk Project received an astonishing letter several months later that would close the case as regards whether or not the Wilson brothers had existed. It was from a man named Amado Crowley who claimed to be an illegitimate son of Aleister Crowley. Not only did he remember his father talking about the Wilson brothers. but he also provided clues which revealed that the odds of his lying about his parentage were nil. Amado not only verified the existence of the Wilson brothers, he gave a spectacular account of his father's whereabouts on August 12, 1943 (the day of the Philadelphia Experiment). Aleister had directed a magical ceremony at Men-an-Tol in Cornwall, England where a large donut style rock lays upright in the water. According to Amado, Aleister put him through the hole in the rock whereupon a line of rough water ran from the coast of England to Long Island, New York.

Wow. Sounds like something out of a Isaac Asimov or Arthur C. Clarke novel. Interdementionality. Time Travel. Monsters from different dimensions. Psychic powers. Aliester Crowley. Obviously, the last example did exist (Crowley was a crazy man-I'll donate a blog to his history) but can the other four examples really exist? Does our government have the ability to do these feats like this? If so, can you imagine the budget these types of projects have? I know the Pentagon pays 600 dollars for a toilet seat, so project like this eat an amazing amount of money. Money that can be used to end poverty, the idiocy of our public education system, give free healthcare (not health insurance) to all Americans and bring peace instead of spending on defense. Mainstream media has scared the sheep into allowing TRILLIONS of dollars to go to US Defense while the real enemy is coming within our own country, planning for our future police state. Iran, Pakistan vs. India, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia vs. Chechnya and Georgia, Israel vs. the Middle East, Radical Islam vs. The West-these things are not where or who or what we should fear. It is those in charge now who want to keep the sheep in line. Looking around, they are doing a pretty good job. ....Live Free or Die!

“Secrecy is the freedom tyrants dream of.” - Bill Moyers

“Secrecy, once accepted, becomes an addiction.” - Edward Teller

Forward to the Past

"Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads..."- Doc Brown

W have all read the books and seen the movies about time travel. Is it possible? Could Austin Powers go back in time and talk cockney with his own father? If Marty McFly scored with his mom, what would happen? If Ashton "punk'd" Kutcher sneeze in one universe and would another universe end up back in the 70's? What if Bill & Ted didn't pass their history test and Wyld Stallyns didn't win the Battle of the Bands? These are the questions that keep me up all night....man, I need a job. In a perfect world, I would have became a physicist but Precalculus kicked my butt. However, I still read books like Hyperspace by Michio Kaku (check out his website it is fascinating: http://mkaku.org/ ) or A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking (probably the greatest mind sine Einstein- http://www.hawking.org.uk/) which allows math idiots like me to understand complex physics theories: String Theory, quantum mechanics, space-time, wormholes, Relativity etc....considering that physics in the fundamental science as physical rules govern all other sciences and the Universe/Reality itself, I believe it is the most important and frankly, the mot interesting. So what do we know about time travel?

  1. Einstein: Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity (and, by extension, the General Theory) very explicitly permits a kind of time dilation that would ordinarily be called time travel. The theory holds that, relative to a stationary observer, time appears to pass more slowly for faster-moving bodies: for example, a moving clock will appear to run slow; as a clock approaches the speed of light its hands will appear to nearly stop moving. However, this effect allows "time travel" only toward the future: never backward. It is not typical of science fiction, and there is little doubt surrounding its existence; "time travel" will hereafter refer to travel with some degree of freedom into the past or future.
  2. Faster than Light Travel: First of all, if one is able to move information from one point to another faster than light, then according to special relativity, there will be an observer who sees this information transfer as allowing information to travel into the past.The General Theory of Relativity extends the Special Theory to cover gravity. It does this by postulating that matter "curves" the space in its vicinity. But under relativity, properties of space are fairly interchangeable with properties of time, depending on one's perspective, so that a curved path through space can wind up being a curved path through time. In moderate degrees, this allows two straight lines of different length to connect the same points in space; in extreme degrees, theoretically, it could allow timelines to curve around in a circle and reconnect with their own past.General relativity describes the universe under a complex system of "field equations," and there exist solutions to these equations that permit what are called "closed time-like curves," and hence time travel into the past. The first and most famous of these was proposed by Kurt Godel, but all known current examples require the universe to have physical characteristics that it does not appear to have. Whether general relativity forbids closed time-like curves for all realistic conditions is unknown. Most physicists believe that it does, largely because assuming some principle against time travel prevents paradoxical situations from occurring.

  3. Wormholes: A proposed time-travel machine using a wormhole would (hypothetically) work something like this: A wormhole is created somehow. One end of the wormhole is accelerated to nearly the speed of light, perhaps with an advanced spaceship, and then brought back to the point of origin. Due to time dilation, the accelerated end of the wormhole has now experienced less subjective passage of time than the stationary end.An object that goes into the stationary end would come out of the other end in the past relative to the time when it enters. One significant limitation of such a time machine is that it is only possible to go as far back in time as the initial creation of the machine; in essence, it is more of a path through time than it is a device that itself moves through time, and it would not allow the technology itself to be moved backwards in time.This could provide an alternative explanation for Hawking's observation: a time machine will be built someday, but hasn't been built yet, so the tourists from the future can't reach this far back in time.Creating a wormhole of a size useful for macroscopic spacecraft, keeping it stable, and moving one end of it around would require significant energy, many orders of magnitude more than the Sun can produce in its lifetime. Construction of a wormhole would also require the existence of a substance known as "exotic matter," or "negative matter", which, while not known to be impossible, is also not known to exist in forms useful for wormhole construction (but see for example the Casimir effect).Therefore it is unlikely such a device will ever be constructed, even with highly advanced technology. On the other hand, microscopic wormholes could still be useful for sending information back in time.Matt Visser argued in 1993 that the two mouths of a wormhole with such an induced clock difference could not be brought together without inducing quantum field and gravitational effects that would either make the wormhole collapse or the two mouths repel each other. Because of this, the two mouths could not be brought close enough for causality violation to take place.However, in a 1997 paper, Visser hypothesized that a complex "Roman ring" (named after Tom Roman) configuration of an N number of wormholes arranged in a symmetric polygon could still act as a time machine, although he concludes that this is more likely than not a flaw in classical quantum gravity theory rather than proof that causality violation is possible.

  4. Using Massive Cylinders: Another approach, developed by Frank Tipler, involves a spinning cylinder. If a cylinder is long, and dense, and spins fast enough about its long axis, then a spaceship flying around the cylinder on a spiral path could travel back in time (or forward, depending on the direction of its spiral). However, the density and speed required is so great that ordinary matter is not strong enough to construct it. A similar device might be built from a cosmic string, but none are known to exist, and it doesn't seem to be possible to create a new cosmic string.Physicist Robert Forward noted that a naive application of general relativity to quantum mechanics suggests another way to build a time machine. A heavy atomic nucleus in a strong magnetic field would elongate into a cylinder, whose density and "spin" are enough to build a time machine. Gamma rays projected at it might allow information (not matter) to be sent back in time. However, he pointed out that until we have a single theory combining relativity and quantum mechanics, we will have no idea whether such speculations are nonsense.Quantum mechanical phenomena such as quantum teleportation, the EPR paradox, or quantum entanglement might appear to create a mechanism that allows for faster-than-light (FTL) communication or time travel, and in fact some interpretations of quantum mechanics such as the Bohm interpretation presumes that some information is being exchanged between particles instantaneously in order to maintain correlations between particles. This effect was referred to as "spooky action at a distance" by Einstein.Nevertheless, the rules of quantum mechanics curiously appear to prevent an outsider from using these methods to actually transmit useful information, and therefore do not appear to allow for time travel or FTL communication. This misunderstanding seems to be widespread in popular press coverage of quantum teleportation experiments. The assumption that time travel or superluminal communications is impossible allows one to derive interesting results such as the no cloning theorem, and how the rules of quantum mechanics work to preserve causality is an active area of research.
Time travel, however can create some interesting paradoxes:

  1. Grandfather paradox-The Grandfather Paradox is a proposed paradox of time travel first described (in this exact form) by the science fiction writer René Barjavel in his 1943 book Le Voyageur Imprudent (The Imprudent Traveller). Nevertheless, similar (and even more mind-boggling) paradoxes had already been described, for instance by Robert A. Heinlein in "By His Bootstraps". The paradox is this: suppose a man travelled back in time and killed his biological grandfather before the latter met the traveller's grandmother. As a result, one of the traveller's parents (and by extension the traveller himself) would never have been conceived. This would imply that he could not have travelled back in time after all, which means the grandfather would still be alive, and the traveller would have been conceived allowing him to travel back in time and kill his grandfather. Thus each possibility seems to imply its own negation, a type of logical paradox.Despite the name, the grandfather paradox does not exclusively regard the impossibility of one's own birth. Rather, it regards any action that makes impossible the ability to travel back in time in the first place. The paradox's namesake example is merely the most commonly thought of when one considers the whole range of possible actions. Another example would be using scientific knowledge to invent a time machine, then going back in time and (whether through murder or otherwise) impeding a scientists' work that would eventually lead to the very information that you used to invent the time machine. The grandfather paradox has been used to argue that backwards time travel must be impossible. However, a number of possible ways of avoiding the paradox have been proposed, such as the idea that the timeline is fixed and unchangeable, the idea that the time traveller will end up in a parallel timeline, while the timeline in which the traveller was born remains independent or the possibility of the time traveller saving his grandfather's life instead of killing him so that he could later be born and travel back in time so that he could save his grandfather's life, exactly the opposite of the original paradox.
  2. The Ontological Paradox- An ontological paradox is a paradox of time travel that questions the existence and creation of information and objects that travel in time. It is very closely related to the predestination paradox and usually occurs at the same time. In simpler terms, an object is brought back in time, and it becomes the object that was initially brought back in time in the first place. An ontological paradox is a paradox of time travel that questions the existence and creation of information and objects that travel in time. It is very closely related to the predestination paradox and usually occurs at the same time. In simpler terms, an object is brought back in time, and it becomes the object that was initially brought back in time in the first place.Because of the possibility of influencing the past while time traveling, one way of explaining why history does not change is by saying that whatever has happened was meant to happen. A time traveler attempting to alter the past in this model, intentionally or not, would only be fulfilling his role in creating history, not changing it. The Novikov self-consistency principle proposes that contradictory causal loops cannot form, but that consistent ones can. This theory, however, only makes sense if you're dealing with a wormhole or some other form of time travel where you end up in the same universe as you started. With actual time replication, which is what much of fiction calls "time travel" this could not be the case.
    However, a scenario can occur where items or information are passed from the future to the past, which then become the same items or information that are subsequently passed back. This not only creates a loop, but a situation where these items have no discernible origin. Physical items are even more problematic than pieces of information, since they should ordinarily age and increase in entropy according to the Second law of thermodynamics. But if they age by any nonzero amount at each cycle, they cannot be the same item to be sent back in time, creating a contradiction.The paradox raises the ontological questions of where, when and by whom the items were created or the information derived. Time loop logic operates on similar principles, sending the solutions to computation problems back in time to be checked for correctness without ever being computed "originally."It is sometimes called the bootstrap paradox, in reference to the expression "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps", and the term was popularized by Robert A. Heinlein's story By His Bootstraps .
  3. Predestination Paradox-A predestination paradox (also called causal loop, causality loop, and (less frequently) closed loop or closed time loop) is a paradox of time travel that is often used as a convention in science fiction. It exists when a time traveller is caught in a loop of events that "predestines" or "predates" them to travel back in time. Because of the possibility of influencing the past while time traveling, one way of explaining why history does not change is by saying that whatever has happened must happen. A time traveler attempting to alter the past in this model, intentionally or not, would only be fulfilling their role in creating history as we know it, not changing it. Or that the time-traveler's personal knowledge of history already includes their future travels to their own experience of the past.
    In layman's terms, it means this: the time traveller is in the past, which means they were in the past before. Therefore, their presence is vital to the future, and they do something that causes the future to occur in the same way that their knowledge of the future has already happened. It is very closely related to the ontological paradox and usually occurs at the same time.The predestination paradox is controversial because it seemingly negates the "common sense" notion that we are responsible for our own destinies, and, with adequate knowledge and preparation, we can alter their courses. The predestination paradox says the exact opposite, leaving doubt in believers' minds if they really have free will.
This is a link to wikihow about if time travel is possible physically speaking (it gives you a basic idea of what space-time is and then goes from there):


We've all dreamed about time travel as we have all made mistakes in the past or want to know what we can do today to have a better tomorrow. Could you have gone back and saved JFK or killed Hitler? Could you have flushed that kilogram of coke down the toliet before the FBI kicked in the door and put you in federal prison? Could you find the new Google or Microsoft in the future and travel back to the present and invest to become a billionaire? Is there really a past and future or is it like a river that you cannot redirect-it only goes forward? What happens if I travel back in time and get into a fist fight with myself ?( considering the same mass cannot occupy the same space in time-See the Nature of Matter by Hudson Maxim written in 1889 in Scientific American).

Time travel creates all sorts of scientific and philosophic issues. One day in the future, time travel may be able to happen which could be a curse or a blessing (like splitting the atom or genetic engineering or working on virology)-but it would definitely be quite an accomplishment. However, are we supposed to mess with the laws of the Universe? I thought that was God's job....All I know is I want a New Testament God all nice and forgiving, not an Old Testament God who thou shall smite me for time travel (I think that rule is somewhere in The Torah). Maybe time is just an illusion. Maybe it something that's so above us that we cannot explain it. Men of Science and Men of Faith have debated such topics for hundreds of years. All I know is if I could time travel, I wouldn't have to wait for "The Road" to come out on DVD or never have a late library book or just float though time freaking people out....good times!

"Our heirs, whatever or whoever they may be, will explore space and time to degrees we cannot currently fathom. They will create new melodies in the music of time. There are infinite harmonies to be explored." - Clifford Pickover

I'd Like to take a Book to the Face of Facebook Part 1

Remember when people actually spoke and interacted with each other face to face? Man, the 90's were a long time ago...

I hate Facebook. I hate it so much that I will not capitalize it for the rest of this blog even though it is technically a proper noun. Let us do a list of why facebook itself as a "Social Networking" community just plain sucks:
  1. facebook is like a bathroom wall that everyone writes on except real bathroom walls are more interesting.
  2. facebook gives needy people a place to go (without actually getting off their presumably fat asses) where everyone knows their name. Like "Cheers" without booze and Norm.
  3. facebook is like masturbating: nobody's stimulated except you.
  4. If you really wanted to be my friend, you wouldn't have waited 10 years to find me on some crappy website and add me-either be my friend in reality or not in cyberspace.
  5. I really don't care about your damn updates...."work is boring..." or "the baby being sooo cute..."-your mundane life does not interest me.
  6. You cannot troll for a date like you can on MySpace.
  7. EVERYONE is a member. All the sheep follow the shepard.
  8. Cyber-bulling. Back in the day, we would meet by the bike rack and settle it with our fists-now, people publish trash and lies about someone that can be access ALL over the world.
  9. That members post pictures of themselves doing drugs or other illegal activities or sexting pictures to piss off their ex-girlfriend-what?!? If I was going to go and smoke a joint, I never took a picture and put it up at the bulletin board at school for attention and if I had a naked picture of an ex, I wouldn't publish it everywhere-I'd just show it to my good friends....So why the hell would you put it ALL over the Internet? They must not be the brightest knife in the drawer....
  10. Profiles. Why would you put all of your personal information all over a website that everyone can look at? I don't care who your "friends" are or what you "like" or how I rank on your latest "poll". Like Tyler Durden said : "You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we are all part of the same compost pile." No matter how many friends or whatever you have on your profile, all of it is just zeroes and ones-be proud of yourself, not your facebook page.
  11. The Privacy Policy on the website. facebook is allowed to advertise at you, you cannot delete anything, ANYONE can look at your page (no ability to block), they collect information about your habits and sell that information to marketing companies, they will still email you even if you cancel your account and finally (and the worst) by using facebook you consent to allow the government to look at WHATEVER they want on your page.
I came across an Op-Ed piece in the Guardian by Tom Hodgkinson called "With friends like these..." from 2007. The numbers in the article are a bit off due to the age of the article but this man DETESTS facebook-it's a riot!!! :


If you look at a press release from facebook, the numbers of users are staggering:
  • 400 million active members, 200 million that log-in everyday
  • Average user has 130 friends (man, I got like 3 drinking buddies and my dog-that's all I need)
  • People spend over 500 BILLION minutes a month on facebook (I can't even calculate how many days/weeks/years that is as my calculator doesn't go that high!)
  • 25 BILLION pieces of content on the website in total
Looking at the CNN.com headline "What You Should Know About facebook's changes" (http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/04/21/facebook.changes.users/index.html?hpt=T2) all I can think is 1984 (the book- Big Brother and all, not the Van Halen album, which is awesome in its own right). What facebook is going to do is expand it little "likes" icon to EVERYWHERE on the net. No dislike button, but it's OK for the OK. Along with your personal file on the website, now facebook can track every website you touch and then use the "like" button to fill out a marketing composite of you. Then the spaming begins. Then this profile either goes to the NSA, CIA or Homeland Security just to "make sure" your not a enemy combatant. These sheep on facebook do not realize all of their privacy laws given in the 4th Amendment have just gone out the window. This is called domestic spying. This is what the Gestapo or the Stasi or KGB did do. However, since most Americans have blinders on or take too many pharmaceuticals or are just plain ignorant they go along with the trends, which is what the US Government and the New World Order want-Americans calm as Hindu cows. That makes the implementation of martial law and a police state and the rise of neo-fascism in the US much more tolerable to your average American. Back in the 50's during McCarthyism, the fuzz would show up at your house and discuss things with you. Now they can sit at a computer in Langley and make one phone call and you'll be in an outsourced Central European torture camp all because you looked at Al-Jazzerra too much. The "founder" of facebook mark zuckerberg (who, again, name I will not capitalize) as you can see has built along with peter thiel and jim breyer quite a little website. Part 2 of this blog will continue with the discussion of these three bad, bad men. Enjoy the quotes on the "benefits" of social networking and the worldwide global Internet village...

"The Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life." ~Andrew Brown

Internet: absolute communication, absolute isolation. ~Paul Carvel

Television to brainwash us all and Internet to eliminate any last resistance. ~Paul Carvel

The Internet is like alcohol in some sense. It accentuates what you would do anyway. If you want to be a loner, you can be more alone. If you want to connect, it makes it easier to connect. ~Esther Dyson

The Internet is the trailer park for the soul. ~Marilyn Manson

And Now for Something Completely Different-LOST

"I looked into the eyes of this island, and what I saw was beautiful." - John Locke

I hate mainstream television. ABC, NBC ,CBS or Fox with their reality TV, horrible sitcoms, false-flagging/lying "news" they they show each night at 6:30pm (Do you think Katie Couric sleeps with a bottle of vodka by her bed for when the nightmares come?) and their HORRIBLE announcers during professional sporting events (Joe Buck and Tim McCarver-just go away or stop talking...you make my brain hurt and my anger rise). However, their is a diamond in the rough, as they say. That diamond is LOST. Normally I would not blog about a damn TV show on ABC, but this is such a mind-bending, gripping, paradoxical show that EVERYONE should watch it. It has a worldwide following sine it began in September of 2004. After now an astonishing 117 episodes, the show concludes on May 23, 2010. I know I will be wearing a black armband on the 24th.....Since the 2005 Emmys see what they have been nominate/won for:


That's 41 Emmy nominations (not including the current season 6), winning 10 Emmys. That's 7 Golden Globe nominations, winning one. These are just some of the critical praise from the mainstream media. Type LOST TV show into Google you get 129,000,000 hits. Granted the viewership has declined over the years (15.69 million for season one down to 11.05 million for season 5 in the US ) but LOST is being shown currently in 50 countries from Estonia to Saudi Arabia to Argentina. Considering that LOST is considered a "cult" show and the show is actually more addictive than crack (study were done at Stanford University and LOST rehabs are popping up all over the country like a whack-a-mole), you are talking maybe of HUNDREDS of millions of people who look forward to those 18-23 magical weeks each spring for the last 6 years where they can can be totally befuddled for an hour each week while watching LOST. When the DVD sets are released (usually around Christmas-thanks Santa) they have either been #1 or #2 each year for the best selling TV DVD of that particular year. What I am getting at is this is an amazing show-well written, great actors, amazing production and directing and a plot line that at some times makes you go "what the....oh my God!".

If you have never seen the show here is a brief synopsis:
Oceanic flight 815 going from Sydney to Los Angeles suddenly crashes in the South Pacific and the survivors land onto a mysterious island. On this island, there are many enigmas and problems that the survivors must face while they learn about the island and each other The show is formatted in two ways: current timeline with the survivors on the island and flash-backs, flash-forwards and flash-sideways of their lives off the island. The show has a amazing ensemble cast (its huge, but these are the main characters throughout the 6 seasons):

  • Jack Shepard (Matthew Fox)-Spinal surgeon from Los Angeles
  • John Locke (Terry O'Quinn)-a paraplegic who has a special connection to the island
  • Kate Austin (Evangeline Lilly)-a woman who is on the run from the law
  • James "Sawyer" Ford (Josh Holloway)-a wise-cracking con man
  • Hurley "Hugo" Reyes (Jorge Garcia)-lottery winner that becomes very unlucky
  • Sayid Jarrah (Naveen Andrews)-an Iraqi with a violent past
  • Jin (Daniel Dae Kim) & Sun Kwon (Yunjin Kim)- a Koren married couple who have issues
  • Charlie Pace (Dominic Monaghan)-a rock star with a drug addiction
  • Claire Littleton (Emily De Ravin)-a pregnant woman going to Los Angeles to give her child up for adoption
Other characters have appeared in one or more seasons, but I do not want to give that away for those who have never seen the show. LOST even has it's own wiki site (which has 6727 different articles, 250,000 members and over 150 MILLION hits on their website plus blogs and everything for web 2.0 users can think of about LOST):

If you haven't seen the show yet, again please stay away from the lostpedia, but those who enjoy LOST, it is an awesome resource to read up on your favorite show. Also look at this site for you LOST junkies:


Its great for LOST theories about what the heck is going on, up to date news about the show and various interviews with cast and crew.

Watch out for LOST spoiler sites (like http://darkUFO.com/ or http://lostspoilers.wikia.com/) or as like the name implies, it will spoil it for you (Unless your like me have have no patience and no cash to buy anther season). Also, considering the show is done in approximate real time (each show is about one day) the syndication of the show televises it out of order, which makes no sense as you need to watch the show chronologically for it to make it comprehensible. This is not a show that rots your brain-the show becomes so intricate that you have to think...and then when the show is over, you realize that the next week is just a waste of time until the next episode. I searched the Global Village to see if you can watch ALL episodes on line, but I couldn't find anything. You would probably need to find bit-torrents online to watch all episodes. However check out Google videos or youtube and type in Lost season 1 or 2 or whatever and you can find some of the older episodes there. ABC.com is just showing season 6, so avoid that until you watch the first 100 or episodes first-let's do some quick math: 117 episodes times approximately 43 minutes per episode equals 5031 minutes or almost 84 hours or three and a half days-I hope you have some vacation time and lots of coffee stored up. For those kinda up to date, I've included Hulu Lost on my website, which has 39 episodes but is kind of out of order but at least you can get an idea about this show. Again though a warning: THIS IS SHOW IS ADDICTIVE-it should come with a warning label from the FDA. So if you find yourself on a Thursday morning @ 3AM trying to decide if you want to watch another episode (well, they are ONLY 43 minutes long....I can get by on 3 hours of sleep) don't kill the messenger.....In the World that we live in, it is nice to find something that can bring you joy, make you think and help ignore all of the stupid problems of life even if it is only for hour or so. Go get the first season and begin to get LOST!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Master of Lightning

One of the Smartest Men of Science

I hope most readers of this blog recognize this name Nikola Tesla. Tesla was one of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century. Some of his inventions:
  • Alternating-current power transmission(A/C)
  • The Death Ray Machine (We'll get into that later)
  • Fluorescent lights (which give a wonderful glow off my cubicle)
  • induction motor
  • Polyphase alternating-current system
  • Radio (yes, THE radio-it wasn't Marconi so says the Supreme Court)
  • Rotating magnetic field principle
  • Telephone repeater
  • Tesla coil transformer
  • Wireless communication
Not too shabby-it doesn't beat Edison for number of patents but Tesla did CRAZY things...things you've never heard of. First, take a look at his official history:


And then the crazy stuff:



This the man that allows you to sit on your butt with your Direct TV remote while checking your Facebook updates on your laptop eating McDonald's. Without him, our World would be a totally different place and he doesn't get the respect he deserves. I only write about Tesla on this blog due to the cover-up and theft of his inventions and patents by the US government or major corporations/monopolies. If you are illiterate (which be odd due to the fact your reading a blog) or have a lazy eye or something, here's a short documentary about the brillance and sagacity of an odd man (most smart people are insane anyway right?).

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Have a bong hit, it'll it will brighten your day!

Happy 4/20-the Best Day of year!

Yea! I love today! It is a day where any American can celebrate the fact that no where in our Constitution says that the Federal Government can regulate what substances I can put into my body. Especially consider its a damn weed that you can grow in your backyard that will cure most alignments-14 States have Medicinal Marijuana laws and 7 States have laws to allow dispensaries to distribute the prescribed medicine to patient instead having them grow at their home and be subjected to Federal laws. This shows that marijuana has medicinal properties (that is why we have cannabinoid receptors in our brain-we've evolved this into our body due to our usage since the beginning of Homo Sapiens). The first recorded use of medicinal marijuana in recorded history is 1500 BC in ancient Egypt or about the time of Moses's exodus (did Moses and Aaron smoke a hookah?)....Ancient India , China, Greece, medieval Islamic world all the way till today. Check out the history, medicinal benefits andwhy it can be good for you here:


This why Pharmaceutical companies and the Alcohol industry are the biggest contributors to the Partnership for a Drug Free America: they want to keep Marijuana a Schedule I narcotic according to the DEA and our federal government....regardless that it is not a harmful drug. Granted it is not for everyone, but alcohol and cigarettes kill more people each year then marijuana. YOU CANNOT OVERDOSE FROM MARIJUANA. It is physically impossible.

Legally speaking, all marijuana laws are based on racism. This first laws restricting cannabis were in the southwestern US due to the influx of Mexican immigrants who used the plant in both a recreational and spiritual manner who came to work and did for cheap labor, which took jobs from the white majority considering jobs were scarce at the time. However like the first cocaine laws which were started due to the fact that cocaine was given to the black dockerworkers so they could labor for more hours, the white majority fear these "darker-skinned" people will use the drug and become violent, killing men and raping women. The first state laws against the use of cannabis were passed in California in 1913, then the Uniform State Narcotic Act in 1925, the creation of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics in 1930 and finally the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. That act made possession or transfer of cannabis illegal throughout the United States under federal law, excluding medical and industrial uses, in which an expensive excise tax was required. However, no one could get these stamps from the Federal Government; hence the initial federal criminalization of cannabis. Nixon created the DEA in 1973 and the War on Drugs had begun. Please watch The Great Hope-America's War on Drugs documentary at the bottom of The Book of Micah as it gives an excellent history of the War on drugs since the creation of the DEA.

This is also day for recreational users who can unite knowing that millions across the Earth are lighting up with them. Collective conscience is a great thing. Now lots of people light up everyday, but 4/20 is like the cannabis smoker's Easter, Hanukkah, Ramadan, Kwanzaa and St. Patrick's day (its the green-God bless the Irish-we saved civilization-see Thomas Kahill's book) all rolled into one. While others stumble to their car from the bar and either end up with a OUI or even worse, kill someone or themselves in a crash, why can't I or any American walk into a shop like the one's in Amsterdam, smoke a joint and then go about the day? If you get an OUI for smoking pot, then you shouldn't be smoking in the first place. For the other 95% of cannabis smokers, please let us smoke in peace. Each year at the University of Vermont in Burlington, student gather together and light up on the front lawn. Next year we should smoke a bong on the White House lawn-I bet Obama puffs.

As with Fox news, I normally wouldn't post anything from The Huffington Post but I came across The History of 4/20 article and it was pretty good-give a read:


Anyway, I got to get back to the celebration-I've recorded Lost 2nd greatest show ever (The Simpsons they are #1 of course) and Celtics vs Heat playoff game, plus....I got have a bong hit to brighten up my day!

Go Celtics

Tea Party? How about a keg party? Part II

You can-Protest!!!!

Onto part II: Meeecah strikes back!

"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." -Thomas Jefferson

Now that I have discussed the two puppets that are the faces of the Tea Party, now we can discuss the makeup of the organization and the problems in it. According to a CBS poll, 18 percent of Americans identify themselves as Tea Party supporters. Tea Party supporters tend to be "white, male, married and older than 45." In general, they are "wealthier and more well-educated" than the general public, and hold conservative views on a range of issues. Although most are registered Republican, they tend to be more conservative than Republicans at large. Political correspondent Liz Sidoti of the Associated Press, the Tea Party movement "an ideological mix of libertarianism and conservatism with the common denominator being lower spending and smaller government." Each time I see Teas Party protesters, all I see is a sea of white people. Its like watching CNN coverage of hurricane Katrina and everyone they showed were African-American-only on opposite day. The majority of the party are neo-conservative over-religious college-educated WASPs that make more money than 75% of the population. I am not saying they are racist, but these people of the Tea party are not a party that appeals to the masses, only a small portion of our population. They are SOOOO many more Americans in worse financial trouble an yet these protesters live in nice 3 bedroom house in the suburbs of a major city, while other starve to death on the streets of that same city. Inclusive of their basic tenets should include what the Declaration of Independence says: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." They drop any hyper- religious views and then they could appeal to the masses and maybe right many of the wrongs of this country. The Tea Party view on free market economy bugs me a bit. I am all for free trade within an individual US state for instance but World Free Market Economies is the Capitalism system that we live under now that is just phrased as "free markets". The "free market" thought has lead to the creation of NAFTA and the WTO and look where that got us: outsourcing, unemployment, trade deficits, devaluing of the Dollar and the worst depression sine The Great Depression of the 1930's. The necessary components for the functioning of an idealized free market include the complete absence of artificial price pressures from taxes, subsidies, tariffs, or government regulation (other than protection from coercion and theft, and no government-granted monopolies (usually classified as coercive monopoly by free market advocates) like the United States Post Office, Amtrak, arguably patents, etc. This cannot be achieved in the World we live in right now. To most Tea Party members, there is simply no free market yet, given the degree of state intervention in even the most 'capitalist' of countries. From their perspective, those who say they favor a "free market" are speaking in a relative, rather than an absolute, sense—meaning (in Tea Party terms) they wish that coercion be kept to the minimum that is necessary to maximize economic freedom (such necessary coercion would be taxation, for example) and to maximize market efficiency by lowering trade barriers, making the tax system neutral in its influence on important decisions such as how to raise capital, e.g., eliminating the double tax on dividends so that equity financing is not at a disadvantage in relation to debt financing. If they could somehow come up with a radical economic policy that could come anywhere to what a Free Market Economy truly is, they could revolutionize Economics all around the World. Again though, the Tea Party needs to expand it ranks to minorities and establish itself as a legitimate 3rd party and tweak some of their beliefs-otherwise they will be up the creek without the paddle.

Mainstream media is crapping ALL over the Tea Party. Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post went onto Face the Nation last Sunday and called the Tea Party potentially violent and of being associated with “sort of bitter attitude” and being dominated by “sort of fringy elements” plus that Internet/Alternative journalism is "sort of like terrorism" Check out the lowlights from the interview:

Here's a link to her Op-Ed in the Sunday's Washington Post where she compares Tim Mcveigh to the Tea Party protesters (keep in mind this woman won a Pulitzer Prize-did she win it a raffle?)


Another hater of the Tea Party is old slick Willie himself, Bill Clinton. Check out his Op-Ed in the NY Times last Sunday:


Clinton has based his accusation the Tea Party will engage in violence on irate and threatening phone calls and emails sent to Congress and the White House before and after the unconstitutional Obamacare bill was passed. He has exploited the discredited accusation that a Tea Party protester spat on a member of Congress. There is absolutely no evidence to support the accusation that somebody connected to the Tea Party threw a rock through the window of a Democrat’s office. Granted he is from Arkansas, but I'd did not think he was THAT dim. Dissent and protest are part of our individual freedoms-the media can call them fring groups, 3rd parties or a "movement". Either way, we need non-violent dissent in this country in order to get things back on track-like Ghandi, who had all the Indians burn their British identification cards, we should have mass burnings of Social Security cards so we do not have to be numbers in the Corporation of America-we can be human again and set things straight. We can have a revolution (not like that 60's stuff) due that fact that people are so angry and distrustful of our government that change maybe around the corner. Otherwise, life be like the movie "Brazil" where it is said : "Don't fight it son. Confess quickly! If you hold out too long you could jeopardize your credit rating." Is it possible to have a negative credit rating?

Tea Party? How about a keg party? Part I

One lump or two, pip pip?

The Tea Party has a bit of a Karmatic going on. There are some great points that they are trying to make:
  • Constitutionally limited government (Don't tread on me)
  • Fiscal responsibility
  • Anti-stimulus/anti-bailout for corporations
  • Anti-deficit
  • Anti-Federal Reserve
  • Anti-mandatory health insurance
I like this-it is libertarian thought like Rep. Ron Paul from Texas, who is the iconoclast of the Republican Party. It hearkens back to beliefs to Barry Goldwater (who would have been the greatest conservative ever in my opinion-except he wanted to use low-yield nukes of the Vietnamese-not so much...) who, along with Representative Paul speak out about why our country came about: taxation, the Big Hands of Government interfering with our lives and oppression in an oligarchy. The tea party members are fed up with our Federal Government (as are many) and actually protested! I haven't seen that in the US since the invasion of Iraq in 2003. You know what happened with what the thousands of people protesting were protesting about? NOTHING. The Bush administration kept it all the same, not really caring what popular opinion says about them. Man, they should have given him the Nobel Peace Prize instead of Obama.....Now on last Saturday, thousands of Tea Party members gathered all over the US to protest their beliefs, taking up their 1st Amendment rights for a peaceful assembly. However, the outcome will be the same-NOTHING will happen. Obama and his disciples want everything to keep on running. A December 7, 2009 poll made by Rasmussen found, in a three-way generic ballot test featuring a hypothetical "Tea Party" candidate, Democrats attracted 36% of the vote, the Tea Party candidate picked up 23%, and Republicans finish third at 18%. Not too shabby. How does it work in a democracy (if you want to call the US one) that we can only have two party choices? That's not democracy. We might as well have a a line of succession to determine our next king. We need a third party-heck we need TEN parties-at least we could look past the lesser of two evils.

The issues I have with the tea party start with two people: Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich. I'll start first with Palin. Yes, she is beautiful. Yes, she was elected to the Governor of Alaska. Yes she was a vice presidential candidate. But, c'mon. Here are some her most "intelligent" comments:

  • ". "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border." --Sarah Palin, explaining why Alaska's proximity to Russia gives her foreign policy experience, interview with CBS's Katie Couric, Sept. 24, 2008
  • "I think on a national level your Department of Law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out." --Sarah Palin, referring to a department that does not exist while attempting to explain why as president she wouldn't be subjected to the same ethics investigations that compelled her to resign as governor of Alaska, ABC News interview, July 7, 2009
  • Sarah Palin, on writing notes on her hand during her Tea Party convention speech: "I didn't really had a good answer, as so often -- is me. But then somebody sent me the other day, Isaiah 49:16, and you need to go home and look it up. Before you look it up, I'll tell you what it says though. It says, hey, if it was good enough for God, scribbling on the palm of his hand, it's good enough for me, for us. He says, in that passage, 'I wrote your name on the palm of my hand to remember you,' and I'm like, 'Okay, I'm in good company.'" (March 5, 2010)
Damn, she's as funny as W. and probably as devious. the 2010 Teas Party National Convention, Palin was paid 100,000 dollars for her appearance as the keynote speaker with tickets going for 549 dollars. That doesn't sound like fiscal responsibility. It sounds like a Rolling Stones concert.

Now Newt (if his parents named for Isaac Newton, they got it all wrong).....His political activist group American Solutions supports the protests, saying on its website that they are "our chance to communicate our anger and opposition to the irresponsible policies of politicians in Washington who have failed to solve problems." Gingrich spoke at the New York City protest on April 15.
We all remember Newt:Times' man of the year of 1995 and led the Republican to their first majority in the House in 54 years. His "Contract with America"-welfare reform, term limits, a balanced budget among other things. However here are some of his lowlights:

  • Government shutdown-The momentum of the Republican Revolution stalled in late 1995 and early 1996 during a budget standoff between Congressional Republicans and Democratic President Bill Clinton. Speaker Gingrich and the new Republican majority wanted to slow the rate of government spending. Gingrich allowed previously approved appropriations to expire on schedule, thus allowing parts of the Federal government to shut down for lack of funds. However, Gingrich inflicted a blow to his public image by seeming to suggest that the Republican hard-line stance over the budget was in part due to his feeling "snubbed" by the President during a flight to and from Yitzhak Rabin's funeral in Israel. The subsequent event caused Gingrich to get lampooned by some in the media, with one editorial cartoon depicted him as having thrown a temper tantrum. Democratic leaders took the opportunity to attack Gingrich's motives for the budget standoff, which may have contributed to Clinton's re-election in November 1996.Tom DeLay recounts the event in his book, No Retreat, No Surrender, saying that Gingrich "made the mistake of his life." He goes on to say the following of Gingrich's handling of the shutdown:"He told a room full of reporters that he forced the shutdown because Clinton had rudely made him and Bob Dole sit at the back of Air Force One...Newt had been careless to say such a thing, and now the whole moral tone of the shutdown had been lost. What had been a noble battle for fiscal sanity began to look like the tirade of a spoiled child..The revolution, I can tell you, was never the same."In her autobiography Living History, former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton shows a picture of Bill Clinton, Dole, and Gingrich laughing on the plane. Gingrich commented on this event in his book Lessons Learned the Hard Way, explaining how the picture was taken on the plane going to Yitzhak Rabin's funeral in Israel rather than on the return trip from Israel, contradicting Clinton's claim.
  • In her autobiography Living History, former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton shows a picture of Bill Clinton, Dole, and Gingrich laughing on the plane. Gingrich commented on this event in his book Lessons Learned the Hard Way, explaining how the picture was taken on the plane going to Yitzhak Rabin's funeral in Israel rather than on the return trip from Israel, contradicting Clinton's claim.On January 21, 1997, the House voted overwhelmingly (395 to 28) to reprimand House Speaker Newt Gingrich for ethics violations dating back to September 1994. The house ordered Gingrich to pay an unprecedented $300,000 penalty, the first time in the House's 208-year history it had disciplined a speaker for ethical wrongdoing.Eighty-four ethics charges, most of which were leveled by House Democratic Whip David Bonior, were filed against Speaker Gingrich during his term, including claiming tax-exempt status for a college course run for political purposes. Eighty-three of the 84 allegations were dropped. Gingrich denied the charges over misuse of tax-exempt funds; however, he admitted to providing inaccurate statements during the probe over the college course and agreed to pay US$300,000 for the cost of the investigation.The House Ethics Committee concluded that inaccurate information supplied to investigators represented "intentional or ... reckless" disregard of House rules.The full committee panel did not reach a conclusion about whether Gingrich had violated federal tax law, instead they opted to leave it up to the IRS.In 1999, the IRS cleared the organizations connected with the "Renewing American Civilization" courses under investigation for possible tax violations.
  • In the summer of 1997, a few House Republicans had come to see Gingrich's public image as a liability and attempted to replace him as Speaker. According to Time, the replacement was engineered by several Republican backbenchers, including Steve Largent of Oklahoma, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Mark Souder of Indiana. They soon gained the support of the four Republicans who ranked directly below Gingrich in the House leadership—Dick Armey, House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, Republican conference chairman John Boehner of Ohio, and Republican leadership chairman Bill Paxon of New York.On July 9, DeLay, Boehner and Paxon had the first of several secret meetings to discuss the rebellion. The next night, DeLay met with 20 of the plotters in Largent's office, and appeared to assure them that the leadership was with them.Under the plan, Armey, DeLay, Boehner and Paxon were to present Gingrich with an ultimatum; resign, or be voted out. Combined with the votes of the Democrats, there appeared to be enough votes to vacate the chair. However, the rebels decided that they wanted Paxon to be the new Speaker. At that point, Armey backed out, and told his chief of staff to warn Gingrich about the coup.In response, Gingrich forced Paxon to resign his post, but backed off initial plans to force a vote of confidence in the rest of the Republican leadership.By 1998, Gingrich had become a highly visible and polarizing figure in the public's eye, making him a target for Democratic congressional candidates across the nation. His approval rating was 45% in April 1998.Republicans lost five seats in the House in the 1998 midterm elections — the worst performance in 64 years for a party that didn't hold the presidency. Polls showed that Gingrich and the Republican Party's attempt to remove President Clinton from office was widely unpopular among Americans.Gingrich suffered much of the blame for the election loss. Facing another rebellion in the Republican caucus, he announced on November 6, 1998 that he would not only stand down as Speaker, but would leave the House as well. He had been handily reelected to an 11th term in that election, but declined to take his seat. Commenting on his departure, Gingrich said, "I'm willing to lead but I'm not willing to preside over people who are cannibals. My only fear would be that if I tried to stay, it would just overshadow whoever my successor is."
This one of the leading supporters of the Tea Party, who has been ostracized by his own party, fined for ethical reasons and pushed for the impeachment for Clinton (not that Clinton is a good person, but his actions did not necessitate impeachment-Andrew Johnson did way worse). Is the best choice to represent such a movement? I think Lindsay Lohan could be just as good....wow this blog is getting a bit long.....Ill end here and start up with Part II-Meecah strikes back!